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Simi Hanspal
Sep 4, 20215 min read
Why I AM what I CHOOSE To Be...
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”– Carl Jung This is our reality – of human beings. We believe we are because...

Simi Hanspal
Aug 25, 20215 min read
White Knight Syndrome and 5 Signs You May Have White Knight Syndrome.
Do you or anyone you know struggle with rescuing yourself from the need of rescuing others?

Simi Hanspal
Aug 18, 20213 min read
Are you an Emotional Eater?
I often find myself reaching out or craving for certain foods, even though I have eaten a full meal. I usually don’t give into my...

Simi Hanspal
Aug 9, 20214 min read
Simplify life to multiply Joy…
Let me tell you a story of how I simplified my life and multiplied the joy just by keeping my eyes open. I was sitting in the park after...

Simi Hanspal
Aug 5, 20214 min read
Self-Sabotaging behavior – does it help?
I am so stupid’, ‘I simply have no will power to lose weight’, ‘How can I be such an idiot’, ‘oh what a failure I am!’, ‘I am useless’,...

Simi Hanspal
Jul 26, 20214 min read
What is inner peace and why do you need to have Inner Peace?
“Inner Peace!” Inner Peace!!” “Inner Peace!!!” – Remember who said these and where? Well, these are the words of frustration uttered by...

Simi Hanspal
Jul 23, 20213 min read
Signs you need therapy- why therapy is helpful.
Most of us think that therapy is for the weak, the vulnerable – however, the past 10 years as a Counsellor has proven that not only do...

Simi Hanspal
Jul 9, 20213 min read
Friends, the treasures we collect
Our lives are based on social connections. Good friends are our lifelines – getting us through the ups and downs life has to offer. They...

Simi Hanspal
Jul 6, 20214 min read
What is Child Sexual Abuse and How to Prevent it?
It's time to talk about Child Sexual Abuse(CSA). In my career as a mental health counselor for the last decade, I have met with many...

Simi Hanspal
Jul 3, 20214 min read
Helping YOU help (love) YOURSELF….
when you practice “metta” meditation, you always begin with yourself. You say “May I be happy, May I experience real peace, real happiness.

Simi Hanspal
Feb 23, 20213 min read
What is Happiness and why does one need to be happy ?
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.” I have often wondered and even asked myself ‘What does happiness mean to me?

Simi Hanspal
Feb 16, 20214 min read
How to overcome your grief ?
Dealing with My Grief What is it that you are feeling while this pandemic situation seems to have gone out of control? While the numbers...

Simi Hanspal
Feb 16, 20212 min read
Boost Self-Esteem and Confidence.
I believe I can fly. Today in my line of work, I come across people suffering from low self-esteem or low in confidence. Sometimes these...

Simi Hanspal
Feb 16, 20213 min read
Opposite or Similar personality traits, what attracts you?
The Yin to my Yang There’s light and dark, day and night, good and evil, yin and yang. Yin and yang or yin-yang refers to a concept...

Simi Hanspal
Feb 16, 20213 min read
Why you should stop looking for validation and approval from others.
Have you ever thought why we need Validation and Approval from others? I have realized a part of the ‘grown up’ me has mastered the art...

Simi Hanspal
Feb 16, 20213 min read
The Art of Standing up for yourself or the lack of it!
I used to struggle a lot with saying ‘no’ to people – especially the ones close to me or who I revered. As a result I found taking up...
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